Dr. Villy Lilleasen and Mr Bjorn Lilleasen

Dr. Villy Lilleasen and Mr Bjorn Lilleasen

Dr. Villy Lilleasen and Mr Bjorn Lilleasen
(Represntative for Sweden,Norway,Denmark )

We are twin brothers, 67 years old and lives in Norway. The undersigned Villy is retired doctor, and my brother Bjorn craftsman. We both have successfully completed dental implant treatment at Scientific Dental Clinic, India and now act as representatives here in SCANDINAVIA (NORWAY, SWEDEN and DENMARK) for helping and advising others who are looking for dental implant treatment in Kerala with Dr.Thomas and also with the logistics of travelling to and staying in India.

Dr. Villy and Mr. Bjorn are twin brothers and they came all the way from Norway exclusively for dental implant treatment. Dr. Villy is a leading medical practitioner and a physician.

Email: villy32@yahoo.no

Contact Details:

Mob: 004790228595 (Villy)
Mob: 004790896834 (Bjorn)


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What Our Clients Say


  • dental tourism in kerala
    Mr.Grahambell is working for the Petroleum industry in Australia. He had his full mouth dental implants done in 2010.
    Mr. Grahambell
  • dental tourism in india
    A senior ICU nurse in Australia. A chief nurse of her caliber has very carefully scrutinized the sterilization standard at Scientific Dental Clinic and after being personally satisfied she decided to represent the clinic in Australia.
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