Dear Biju, Fond greetings. I hope your health remains strong as you move into this New Year, and that all your plans and programmes continue to go well, especially for the building of your wonderful new clinic and guest quarters. I expect you are keeping up that intense pace of work as you do all those people in need of implants around the world who are lucky enough to find you and get over to Cochin.
My new teeth are a great joy to me, though it will take a while for me get used to the way it changes my face when i see myself in the mirror. i think it is an improvement though. The best thing is the improvement in my digestion now that i am able to chew my food. Being able to enjoy the experience of eating again is by far the most important thing for me and over and over again i thank you mentally for making this possible. Everyone says they look very natural, if they notice them at all. The impact of dental problems on health is hardly understood, but i knew it was affecting me and possibly would shorten my life, in the longer term if i did not do something to help.
No one who has functioning teeth can know what a big thing it is not to have those little gems in their mouth. They must be the most unappreciated part of our amazing bodies until something goes wrong and you lose them.
Your dedication to this implant work was always an inspiration to me while i was there in your clinic, and your attention and decision to help me made me feel so blessed and grateful that I was lead to a practitioner of your caliber. So I thank you again with all my heart and feel glad you are performing your vocation with such a high minded attitude and sense that you are the instrument in God’s hands to help in this way. I especially always appreciated the time you took to talk to me, and put me at ease. This is almost unheard of in this country, from what I have understood. As well, were the good conversations we got into. All of this meant a lot to me to have that connection. It is unbelievable that I had 16 implants, two sides sinus grafting and in the end 28 crowns and all successful..
Quite a few people I have told my experience to have said they may come to you some time for their dental work. Your work in implants has been known to me through Prabha De Masson who is my neighbor and is a wonderful advertisement for your work.
Many Blessings to you and your family.
Jenifer (Giita)
Jenifer Healy
Brisbane, Australia
By Jenifer Healy (Australia)
From Australia,