I traveled from Republic of Ireland to Kerala, A southern most state in India (almost half the way across the globe) exclusively for dental implant treatment this march 2009.
For the last five years I was on the look out for an implantologist who could do dental implant treatment for me. I traveled to Italy, Poland, and Hungary and had consultation in Ireland for finding a solution for my dental disability. To my disappointment I was told by all of these surgeons that dental implant treatment is impossible as there is not enough bone. It is at this time I heard about Dr Thomas and Scientific dental clinic.
As Dr Thomas is a maxillofacial surgeon worked for many years in Ireland and He is also fellow of the Royal College of surgeons Ireland it was easy for me to take decision for this life changing journey. I was very anxious and I did inform about my nervousness to Dr Thomas but his reassurances gave me the courage.
Now having completed the first stage I cannot begin to thank you -not just for your expertise and skill-but for your kindness and patience -which I must have strained to the limit.
I still cannot believe I am back here-with 16 permanent implants in place (not to mention the 4 temporary implants). After my previous unsuccessful trips to Hungary, Poland and Italy- after being told I did not have enough bone to hold implants-I had almost reached a stage of resignation-of believing that for me implants were an impossible dream.
Now I’m back and the fact that that dream is now a reality is still almost beyond belief. I can hardly believe it all has happened. After a lifetime of trouble with my teeth- to suddenly have a totally changed reality-is incredible. It’s truly life changing.
And that change is unquantifiable-it goes far beyond the limits of financial payment. I can never thank you enough.
And please thank your staff for their help-they were very good.
I got home Sunday evening-these long journeys require more recovery time than they did when I was younger-but my mouth feels great. Being retired means I can leave my dentures out more than most people-so I’ll be able to continue that for the three weeks without any trouble. And-I don’t know if it’s related to the sinus lift or not but I’ve been able to breathe more easily through my nose since I came back.
Finally -my best regards to yourself and your good lady wife-and please thank her for arranging the hotel and for her concern-she was very good.
Those who wish to talk to me about my experience I am only glad to share my experience. Further I owe it to others who may, like me, be terrified of dentists and for whom Dr Thomas would be a Godsend.
With deepest thanks,
John Meehan
Contact Details:
By John Meehan (Ireland)
From Ireland