Our experience with implant treatment at Scientific Dental Clinic Kerala, INDIA
We are twin brothers, 67 years old and lives in Norway. The undersigned Villy is retired doctor, and my brother Bjorn craftsman. The reason for the trip all the way to India was that my brother in many years has had very bad teeth and eventually very few own teeth left. After consideration of treatment alternatives, including the Tannlegehøgskolen (The University for educating of dentists in Norway) it was concluded that the insertion of the prosthesis (dentures) was the only alternative that could be justified economically. The only other possibility would be the insertion of implants with bridges and crowns which would be very costly.
It was estimated that he insertion of 12-16 implants was the absolute minimum to make an adequate chewing function. We obtained prices from several Norwegian dental clinics, and also from several European providers of implant treatment. The Norwegian prices were completely sidelined. For 12 implants, it was suggested 300 000-350 000 Nkr. The most affordable European option for 12 implants were 250 000 – 300 000 Nkr.
As a doctor I knew that many in the same situation searched implant treatment in the East including Thailand, Philippine and other countries. After extensive searching on the internet, it turned up several alternative countries, including India, but among the many providers who could be more or less serious, it was one clinic that stood out as very seriously and credible, namely Scientific Dental Clinic in Kerala led and driven by Dr, Biju Thomas.
We took contact with several of his patients mentioned on his web site, and all without exception gave Scientific Dental Clinic the warmest recommedation as very serious, well run and managed by a the highly educated and experienced Dr. Thomas, who personally treats and follows up on all their patients . These testimonies and the fact that he even runs a very prestigious clinic in Dubai, convinced us for making the decision to go all the way from Norway to India for dental implant treatment.
First visit in July 2010
So after contacting Dr. Thomas at Scientific Dental Clinic and made appointments, we went down to Kerala India on July 15th 2010 and met Dr. Thomas in his office as agreed on. The clinic was clean and tidy, and it did not take long time before we felt we had known Dr. Thomas for many years and the communication vent easy. Dr. Thomas speaks of course excellent English, having completed the bulk of his studies in England. Everything went on as planned.
During 10 days, all surgical procedures was performed without any discomfort at all. So all 8 old tooth roots and teeth was extracted and replaced with all together 18 implants, 9 implants in the upper jaw and the same in the lower jaw.
I was present at my brother’s treatment during all procedures, from the first visit to the end of treatment, and as a doctor I am considering every step in the treatment very professionally executed. Dr. Thomas also has a unique ability to calm you during treatment, he also manages to find room for humor while he works.
After a few days the stitches could be taken and a temporary prosthesis adapted and inserted.
Healing time
27 July we went back to Norway. The six months that healing took, went very fast, and Bjorn did well with his temporary replacement dentures, but still absolutly looked forward for the waiting time to be over so he could travel back to India and get his permanent teeth.
Second visit in February 2011
So the time had come for the big event, namely NEW TEETH.
And in the course of 6 days a new smile was established.
All implants were connected with their necessary bridges and porcelain crowns.
He got his new permanent teeth made completely of his own choice, and he wanted them to be a bit irregular and natural-looking compared to his age at 67.
Based on my point of view they seemed very natural in both color and appearance. But after all, the feature that was most important was of course that the chewing function was good, and to test it out, the same day he got his new permanent teeth, we went out at a restaurant and ordered a beef, and for the first time in many years he could now eat it as it was the most natural thing in the world. It was a great moment for both o us.
And then it is my time (Dr. Villy Lilleasen)
To be on the safe side in relation to any possible complications after insertion of the Bjorn´s new teeth, we had decided in advance to be in India for another 10 days.
I realized quickly that this concern was totally unnecessary to worry about, so I decided to ask Dr. Thomas if he also could do some repairs on my teeth to make the most out of the time we still had in Kerala. (I had a bridge in the upper jaw that I have had for many years and that for a long time had showed signs of loosening, and on several occasions, been infected ).
To make a long story short, after an OPG-X-ray. and a thorough clinical examination of all teeth, the proposed new bridge with ceramic crowns on 3 implants plus the replacement of two other bad teeth with crowns on implants.
This should be done with so-called IMMEDIATE implants, which would imply that I could drop the healing period of half a year and be able to travel home with fully functioning teeth after a week.
After experienced Dr. Thomas’ professional work with my brother, i decided to go for this solution, and after 7 days I had replaced the old bridge with a new one with crowns on 3 implants. In addition replaced 2 other bad teeth with crowns on implants, and 2 days later my brother and I was sitting on the plane back to Norway. My brother with all new teeth and me with a new bridge and 2 other new teeth on implants.
As a doctor I would say that I was initially skeptical of the whole project with implant treatment in India of all places, but I must say that after following the treatment of my brother from first second, and through the entire process in addition to experiences from my own treatment, I have no doubt that this was a good and right choice.
I am now writing this several months after returning to Norway and everything has worked out without problems of any kind both for my brother and for myself.
When we was in Kerala, we also personally met many of the other patients treated by Dr. Thomas and everybody without exceptions was very pleased with the treatment they had received at Scientific Dental Clinic by Dr. Thomas. It was patients from Australia, Canada, Scandinavia and from India.
On this basis, I have no hesitation about recommending people from Scandinavia to take this trip down to India for dental implant treatment by Dr. Thomas at his Scientific Dental Clinic. What it will cost you is a “fraction” of what it will cost you in Scandinavia or the rest of Europe.
Another thing is that the journey in itself is a bonus you almost get for free. Kerala is a very beautiful and friendly part of India that we are sure you will love.
If you who are reading this decide to travel to India to have your implants done, you must of course make direct contact with Dr. Thomas at the SDC, to make the appointments . (He is 14 days at the clinic in Kerala and 14 days at the clinic in Dubai), but I would definitely recommend that you contact me either via email or telephone prior to your decision of travel. Both my brother and I certainly can answer questions each may have, both in relation to the treatment and also of a practical nature before such an important decision is taken. (All questions are equally important)
We both welcomes you to contact us and both wish you good luck !!
I will mention the following:
1. The clinic acts in every way clean and seem to follow strict standards of sterilization.
2. Friendly and experienced staff.
3. All laboratories are inside the clinic with a dental technician present at all times.
4. Dr. Thomas uses only ADA OR CE certified implants
5. Surgical competence is personally experienced
6. 50-70% savings in price compared to Europe
7. Does not take in more patients than he can at all times treat.
8. Dr Thomas has expertise experience in Cambridge and Dublin
9. Dr Thomas has good communication skills
11. Each patient treated by Dr. Thomas personally.
By Dr. Villy Lilleasen and Mr Bjorn Lilleasen (Norway)
From Norway