Our Services
KERALA – The most sought destination for tourists in India. Dental tourism or dental vacations is a synonym of medical tourism.
Patients availing a dental treatment outside their locality also may be accompanied by a vacation. Dental tourism is very popular as the world becomes ever more interdependent and competitive. The training abroad and availability of world standard materials, and technology transfer spread rapidly, enabling healthcare professionals in “developing countries” to provide dental care at significant cost savings when compared with their competitors in the developed world.
Why do People Travel Abroad for Dental Implant Treatment?
Dental tourism is mostly generalized to travel from high-income countries to low-cost developing economies. There is another important factor that can influence a decision to travel is the difference between the funding of public healthcare or general access to healthcare.
Pricing and quality
Dental tourists travel mostly to save a considerable amount in treatment cost compared to their home country to take advantage of lower treatment cost.
The reasons for lower treatment cost can be highlighted as below.
The main concerns of the patients when they avail dental tourism is as below>
What can be the savings?
On average, costs in dental tourism countries are 70% less than in the UK and US. Here are some examples. A dental felling in the US or UK costs about $300-400 while in Eastern Europe or India it costs only $20-40. The treatment of your root canal will take $3000 in the United States and only $100-200 in Hungary, for example. A denture costs about $1000 in the UK and $200 in India. As you can see the difference is big, especially when it comes to treat many teeth.
Dental tourism has two big advantages.
Smaller Treatment cost in the developing countries, even if the quality is usually the same. The second one is the combination between the dental treatment and a nice and relaxing vacation. Considering these two we realize why the dental tourism increases its popularity while the crisis is developing. Everyone has the chance to kill two birds with one stone.
How we work
Mr.Grahambell is working for the Petroleum industry in Australia. He had his full mouth dental implants done in 2010.
A senior ICU nurse in Australia. A chief nurse of her caliber has very carefully scrutinized the sterilization standard at Scientific Dental Clinic and after being personally satisfied she decided to represent the clinic in Australia.